The year of 2020 has brought significant changes in the lifes of people and the world of work. Many companies went bankrupt due to restrictions because of the virus situation or they were forced to decrease the working hours or the amount of workforce.
Meanwhile, some companies alterations were absolutely on a different level. The alterations mean switching to home office particularly for white collar workers. The companies were not prepared for the changes therefore, the regulating of the home working was started later. The alterations affected the employment of contract, meaning the relationship between employer and employee changed. Can the quality and quantity of the work of the employee be controlled while working from home? How can it be controlled to be accepted by both parties and keep it legal? Does trust between the employer and employee have any role in such situations? Is there any difference between the home office and distant work?
I was searching for the answers to the questions in my survey where I used questionnaire and current regulations and laws for making statements. The questionare included questions (multiple choices) about the new form of work and was shared in the internet in summer 2020.
The aim of this research is to give an overviwe how changed the work at hungarian companies because of the COVID-19 situation. This article would like to highlight the home office is not equal with distant work and the rules are different.
Home Office or Distant Work? – Conclusions of the Year 2020 -PDF – Megjelent a FIKUSZ Symposium for Young Reseachers kiadványban (Óbudai Egyetem, 2021.; szerkesztők: Aniko Kelemen-Erdos, Pal Feher-Polgar, Anett Popovics)